The Johannesburg Planetarium has set up an ISS hotline to give daily up-dated information on viewing times. Call 0881208112.
The brightest appearance of the ISS above Johannesburg is on Tuesday April 30 when Johannesburg and Durban will have a five-minute window on Tuesday . Johannesburgers and Durbanites will have to look north west, about 14 degrees above the horizon. The station rises in the NW at 6.21pm, to the left of the bright star Capella, and then passes to the right of the bright planet Jupiter, before crossing almost overhead before disappearing into the Earth's shadow at 6.29pm
People in Cape Town on Wednesday will have to look north west about 10 degrees above the horizon at 7pm.Those living in Port Elizabeth can view for three minutes on Wednesday, WNW about 13 degrees above the horizon at 7.05pm. Bloemfontein residents should look NW, 13 degrees above the horizon on both Tuesday and Wednesday at about 7pm.
Dont forget to look out for five planets; Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn which will also be visible.