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Experiment "Genotip-SA"

Revealing of genotypical features, defining individual distinctions(differences) in stability of biological objects to the factors of space flight (research on плодовой мушке Drosophila melanogaster) "

Purpose of experiment

Search of connections between adaptation parameters of fruit little flies populations and their genetic structure.


  • Determination of an integrated structure of a genotype of researched objects - populations of fruit little flies Drosophila melanogaster.

Equipment to be used

Composition of the equipment

Two kits " Drosophila". Each kit contains 10 containers (containers – test-tubes) with larvae of the flies (100 pieces in each) and nutritious medium.

Assignment of the equipment:

Exhibiting in conditions of space flight of containers with populations of fruit little flies "Drosophila melanogaster".

Principles of the equipment operation.

The containers are supplied with stainless steel made inserts intended for overlapping of the flies’ life zone, which is a jelly-like nutritious medium. The overlapping of "window" is carried out by turning on 180 degree axes of test-tube with the sector, fixed on it, with the help of key placed on the shell of "Drosophila" kit case. The rotation of sector limits by a pin.

Equipment Specifications

Mass (of 1 kit): 1,5 kgs

Dimensions (of 1 kit): 275х90х130 mm.

Work of crew with the equipment.

Employment of cosmonaut.

Under space environment conditions the development and change of several generations of the flies happens. Open before with launch of the space vehicle "window" ensures access of larvae and flies to a nutritious medium. Before returning of kits to the Earth the cosmonaut realizes operation on overlapping access of the flies to a nutritious medium by a turn of a key up to a position "Closed" with registration of experiment with help of photo or video cameras. The realization of shootings in the educational purposes - behavior of the flies at microgravity conditions (space experiment "Zebra-PR") is possible.

Conditions of the experiment realization.

After a docking of "Soyuz" space vehicle with ISS RS the "Drosophila" kits are transferred to the service module (as it is possible closer to time of docking) and are installed in a place of accommodation with environmental temperature of +18°C - +22С.

Temperature is inspected on a telemetry data link with the help of regular temperature gauges located near to kit.

Accommodation of kit in capsule (for want of returning) should be conducted with allowance for of requests about direction of overloading influence. The arrow "Direction of overloading" is designated on a surface of "Drosophila" kit. On a landing area of capsule the kits are handed over to the representative of experiments PI IBMP of Russian Federation.

Landing Countdown to 05:51 05 May

Landing Complete!

The Team
Mark Shuttleworth
Dale Cupido
Karen Sharwood
Lara Keytel
Danie Barry
Freddy Khan
Vaughan Oosthuizen
Ravi Naidoo
Vuyo Dwane
Richard Mills
Nicolette Cronje
Wayne Derman
Peter Ribton
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