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Experiment "Spacemed-SA"

Investigation of individual features of organism functioning under effect of the extreme factors complex at space flight.

General information.

The given complex experiment assumes deriving information on biomedical researches indicated below:

  • Experiment "Pharma"
  • Experiment "Sprut-MBI"
  • Experiment "Biotest"
  • Experiment "Cardiostress".

Experiment "Pharma"

Research of a pharmacological kinetics under conditions of space flight.

Purpose of experiment

Deriving of information about features of suction, distribution and selection of a pharmacological preparation by a research of its contents in a saliva and capillary blood.


  • Determination of a level and degree of interpretability of a pharmacological kinetics and pharmacological dynamics modifications of medicinal means on the human organism in conditions of the space flight factors influence;
  • Determination of the factors priority, defining degree of violation of a pharmacological kinetics and pharmacological dynamics of medicinal means in conditions of space flight.

Equipment to be used.

  • "Saliva-F" kit, "Reflotron-4".nominal/service equipment
  • Composition of the equipment.

"Saliva-F" kit:

A cover with valves, in which the pharmacological preparations and eight test tubes for sampling saliva are stacked.

Principle of use of kit:

  • Initials of an inspected cosmonaut and date of the experiment realization mark the kit;
  • Test tubes have marks in the correspondence in due course of saliva sampling (10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours).

Equipment Specifications

Mass of kit: 0,25 kgs.

Size: 113x82x61mm

"Reflotron-4" equipment

  • "Reflotron-4" analyzer;
  • "Reflotron-4" kit;
  • Package of measuring slices (plates).


biochemical researches of integral blood by a method of dry chemistry.


analysis of blood parameters in correspondence with the program of experiment.

Work of crew with equipment.

Employment of cosmonauts.

Cosmonaut carries out the experiment independently. Total time is necessary for research - 160 min. The cosmonaut consumes of pharmacological preparation, then conducts sampling of saliva and blood. The chemical analysis of blood is carried out by cosmonaut onboard the service module, and the tests of saliva return to the Earth for the laboratory analysis.

Condition of the experiment realization.

2 days prior to fulfillment of measurements it is necessary to exclude consumption of all pharmacological means, including vitamin preparations. The consumption of preparation, first inspection on "Reflotron-4" equipment and performance of the five first tests of saliva is carried out before eating. The researches are conducted within 6 hours, 8 tests of saliva undertake.

Experiment "Sprut-MBI"

Research of liquid mediums behavior of human organism under conditions of space flight.

Purpose of experiment.

A measurement of general volume of liquid in an organism, volumes of intracellular and extracellular liquid, circulating blood and plasma for evaluation of adaptive mechanisms condition and improvement of measures of preventive prophylaxis of unfavorable effect of microgravity.


  • Determination intra- and intercellular liquid, general liquid of body, circulating blood and plasma in comparison to data on mass of body, ratio of cell-like and liquid components of blood.

The equipment to be used

Equipment set "Sprut-K" nominal equipment: body mass meter (BMM), package "Gematokrit" (minicentrifuge М-1100), kit "Reflotron-4", laptop.

Composition of the equipment

  • Gear "Sprut-K"
  • Cables set;
  • Cuffs (for a hand, for a leg);
  • Equivalent of the patient,
  • Floppy disk with the software.

Purpose of the equipment set:

Determination of physiological parameters of liquid mediums of cosmonaut by a method of two-frequent bioimpedancemetry.

Method of measurement.

  • Measurement of liquid volume in various human’s body sections by a method of impedancemetry on various frequencies for investigation of liquid distribution in human’s body under microgravity conditions.
  • Method of impedancemetry, i.e. the measurement of reaction resistance rendered alive tissue to an alternating current, on low frequency reflects a quantity of intravascular liquid, and impedance in high frequency - intracellular and intercellular spaces.

Equipment Specification

Mass: 1,6 kgs.

Dimensions: 303х258х55 mm;

Power consumption: 3 W.

Body mass meter (BMM)

Composition of the equipment

  • BMM rack;
  • BMM kit;
  • Interface adapter;
  • Specialized computer;
  • Platform;
  • Cables set.

Assignment of the equipment:

Body mass and small masses measurement under microgravity conditions with digital indication of outcomes.

Principle of operation.

Measurement of period of system free oscillations.

Performances of equipment:

Measured masses range: 50-100 kgs;

Power consumption: 50 W.

Package "Hematokrit".

Composition of the equipment:

  • Minicentrifuge М-1100;
  • Magnifier;
  • Nipper;
  • Brush;
  • Package of batteries.

Assignment of the equipment:

Measurement of hematokritic number in blood of cosmonaut by mechanical separation of structural elements and plasma of blood by centrifuging of blood in microcapillary tubes.

Method of research:

Simultaneous processing of an even amount of microcapillary tubes located opposite one another and symmetrically.

Work of crew with the equipment.

Employment of cosmonauts.

It is desirable to conduct two sessions of experiment: on 4th and 7th day of flight. Duration of experiment is 1 hour. The participation of the assisting crewmember during 40 min is required.

Conditions of experiment realization.

The experiment is carried out at the morning on an empty stomach. It is necessary at the day of experiment to conduct an inspection using regular methods МО-8 (body mass measurement) - 15 min, MO-10 (analysis of hematokrit in blood) - 30 min.

Experiment "Biotest"

Evaluation of biochemical mechanisms of adaptation of substances exchange at cosmonauts under space flight conditions.

Purpose of experiment

Research of biochemical regulation features and role of hormone mechanisms in changes of human’s organism conditions.


  • Research of features of homeostasis biochemical regulation (constancy of internal medium) of human’s organism at adaptation to conditions of space flight;
  • Research of a role of hormone mechanisms in changing of aqueous-salt, lipidous and albuminous exchange under conditions of space flight.

Used equipment.

"Plasma-03" complex, "Hematokrit" package, "Reflotron-4" kit, r "Cryogem-03/1" refrigerator.

Composition of the equipment.

  • "Plasma-03" complex
  • "Plasma-03" centrifuge,
  • Returned heat-insulating container КВ-03,
  • Tools set "Plasma-03",
  • Package of spent materials.

Assignment of the equipment:

Support of operation on taking samples of blood.

Performances of the equipment:

Mass (total): 10 kgs;

Power consumption: 150 W.

Refrigerator "Cryogem-03/1"

  • Assignment: storage of the taken samples of blood in the frozen condition onboard the service module.
  • Returned heat-insulating container MO- -03 (with the accumulator of cold), from structure "Plasma-03", is intended for preservation of blood samples at stage of return in the capsule.
  • Assignment of "Hematokrit" package, "Reflotron-4" kit, see in the descriptions of space experiments "Pharma" and "Sprut-MBI".

Work of crew with the equipment.

Employment of cosmonauts.

Duration of session for inspected cosmonaut is 2 hours, and 20 mines to the assisting crewmember for taking of blood samples from vein.

Condition of experiment realization.

For Hematokrit determination the puncturing of finger is carried out. The sample of blood is located to microcapillary and centrifugalize on a minicentrifuge М1100. Then the sample of blood from vein takes - 2 syringes per 9 ml. Blood is treated in «Plasma-03» centrifuge and is frozen in «Cryogem-03» refrigerator up to -20˚С. The frozen samples of blood return to the Earth in the heat-insulating container КВ-03 and are treated under laboratory conditions. All works, except for a taking of blood from vein, the inspected cosmonaut conducts without assistance.

Experiment "Cardiostress"

Research of individual features of cordial activity under effect of a complex of the extreme factors.

Purpose of experiment

Data retrieval about a condition and behavior of human’s cardiovascular system in stress situation - on initial stage of space flight.

Used equipment

Cardioregistrator 90205. 

Composition of the equipment:

"Cardioregistrator 90205” kit,

"Set of tools "Cardioregistrator 90205" kit.

Assignment of equipment

Recording of dynamic electrocardiogram for two assignments within day.

Work of crew with the equipment.

Employment of cosmonauts.

During experiment the daily registration of electrocardiogram of the inspected crewmember with recording on compact tape cassette is carried out. Assisting crewmember helps an inspected cosmonaut to paste electrodes and to activate a gear.

Each session of experiment needs time on preparatory operations (installation of electrodes, connection of a gear) - 20 min and closeout operations - 20 min.

It is offered to conduct 2 sessions of experiment - on a stage of autonomous flight at once after orbital injection and removal of environmental suite and for 3 day of flight.

Conditions of experiment realization.

As "Cardioregistrator 90205" represents autonomous carried gear for registration of electrocardiogram in two assignments, the registration the ECG is carried out automatically within day.

Landing Countdown to 05:51 05 May

Landing Complete!

The Team
Mark Shuttleworth
Dale Cupido
Karen Sharwood
Lara Keytel
Danie Barry
Freddy Khan
Vaughan Oosthuizen
Ravi Naidoo
Vuyo Dwane
Richard Mills
Nicolette Cronje
Wayne Derman
Peter Ribton
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